ULSAM Population
Between 1970 and 1973, all men born between 1920 and 1924 and resident in the municipality of Uppsala, Sweden, were invited to participate in a health survey.
Data Collection Event
All men who were alive and had participated in any of the previous investigations were invited to participate in this investigation. Of these, 296 men were examined at the hospital and 58 were visited at home by a nurse. In addition, 29 men completed only a questionnaire. The ULSAM-88 investigation includes anthropometrical measurements, blood pressure, blood sampling, bone density measurement by whole body DXA, oral glucose tolerance test, ECG examination, tests of cognitive function, gait and balance. A detailed questionnaire regarding medical and social issues, dietary intake, activities in daily life and rating scales on depressive symptoms was administered. In addition to this, update of dementia and diabetes diagnoses have been performed as well as Cancer, Hospital discharge and Cause-of-death registries have been updated.